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Liberian Girl Full Choreography
We will teach you every move from this video. (1:45)
Welcome and Course Overview (1:16)
Learning the Choreography starting from 0:26 - 0:34
0:26 - 0:28 Connect and First Dip (1:21)
0:28 - 0:31 Back Stop Turn (1:10)
0:31 - 0:34 Cross Body Inside Turn & Salsa 360° (1:05)
Putting It All Together (0:26 - 0:34) (0:32)
Learning the 2. Part of the Choreography starting from 0:34 - 0:45
0:34 - 0:37 Stylish Reversed Turn (2:29)
0:37 - 0:40 Shoulder Check (0:56)
0:40 - 0:43 CBL (Side by Side) (0:43)
0:43 - 0:45 The Axis (3:39)
Putting It All Together (0:34 - 0:45) (0:17)
3. Part of the Choreography starting from 0:45 - 0:55
0:45 - 0:47 Reversed Turn & Spiral Turn (5:13)
0:49 - 0:53 Double CB Inside & 360° (1:05)
0:53 - 0:55 Daniel's Karate Kick (2:30)
Putting It All Together (0:45- 0:55) (0:14)
4. Part of the Choreography starting from 0:55 - 1:15
0:55 - 1:00 CBL & Rita's Presentation (1:33)
1:00 - 1:15 Special Combo (4:33)
Putting It All Together (0:55 - 1:15) (0:28)
5. Part of the Choreography starting from 1:15 - 1:21
1:15 - 1:21 Rompe & Body Wave (3:23)
Putting It All Together (1:15 - 1:21) (0:10)
6. Part of the Choreography starting from 1:21 - 1:30
1:21 - 1:25 Cross Body Outside Turn & Right Turn from the Back (2:49)
1:25 - 1:30 Spiral Turn & 360° (4:11)
Putting It All Together (1:21 - 1:30) (0:16)
7. Part of the Choreography starting from 1:30 - 1:35
1:30 - 1:35 Rita's Tornardo & Shoulder Dip (5:54)
Putting It All Together with Countings (1:30 - 1:35) (0:08)
8. Part of the Choreography starting from 1:35 - 2:00
1:35 - 1:41 Rita's Split (2:15)
1:41 - 1:48 Liberian Roll (2:39)
1:48 - 2:00 Final Highlights (3:08)
Putting It All Together with Countings (1:35 - 2:00) (0:45)
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0:34 - 0:37 Stylish Reversed Turn
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